International Women’s Day with Delft MaMa
SLiDe Social
Are you a foreign national living in South Holland? Have you resettled in the Netherlands as part of a bigger dream for your life? Have you freed yourself from a past that was not for you? Or do you desire to help a newcomer find their freedom by mentoring them through integration to life here? This is an event for international people who value support and guidance to adapt to a life in a new place.
In line with Stichting 8 Maart’s “Freedom” celebration of International Women’s Day, Delft MaMa presents a SLiDe Social.
Delft MaMa volunteers run Soft Landing in Delft (SLiDe), a free, tailor-made mentoring program consisting of six sessions up to two hours each to help newcomers find their way in Delft. It has the pros of a local showing you around, answering your questions and providing support. We are always looking for mentors to help fellow citizens land softly in this friendly city by guiding them around, sharing knowledge and experience. This may be a person of Dutch nationality or another expat who has lived in Delft for a period of time and hence has experienced the same that you may be facing. We know from experience no question is too silly to ask.
During the event you will learn more about Delft MaMa’s SLiDe program in a discussion panel on becoming/being a mentor. You will also have the opportunity to meet other mentors and mentees and share experiences. In addition, during the event it will be possible to sign up for SLiDe program either as a mentor or mentee.
Join us! Wednesday, 4 March 2020 17:30-19:00 at TU Delft.
Register until 1 March. Send an email with the subject “SLiDe Social” to with your full name and phone number.